Flight AZ15685


  • Submitted By: Jacopo Stella
  • Departure Airport: Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (ZGGG)
  • Arrival Airport: Brisbane International Airport (YBBN)
  • Aircraft: B747-400 (I-DEMP)
  • Flight Time: 08.40.18
  • Date Submitted: 17/03/2020
  • Route: K0915S0950 SAREX1C SAREX W6 NLG W18 TAMOT/N0499F330 B330 CH A461 AVMUP W16 MIA W11 MCT W8 DAO B473 SAMGE/N0499F350 B473 OPABA B587 KOW/N0494F370 B587 DOLIB T13 EML UY409 EAGLE Y177 SMOKA SMOKA8M
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(433 load / € 560.00 per unit
€ 242,480.00
Fuel Cost:
(79971.1 fuel used @ 1.1 / unit)
€ 87,968.21
Flight Details


  • Log Data: -
  • Network: -
Additional Log Information:


View Log

[10:51] - PMDG 747-400ER PMDG AZ (N744ER | 2017)
[10:51] - Flight AZ15685 is ready to depart ZGGG with a final destination of YBBN.
[10:51] - Parking Brake Applied
[10:51] - Boarding
[11:18] - Parking Brake Released
[11:18] - Pushing Back from the gate
[11:21] - Parking Brake Applied
[11:21] - Flaps to position 1
[11:21] - Flaps to position 2
[11:21] - Flaps to position 3
[11:22] - Parking Brake Released
[11:23] - Taxiing to Runway
[11:28] - Taking Off with 433 passengers on board
[11:29] - Spoilers ON 17ft, hdg 14 and 177kts
[11:29] - Take off at 179kts, with a pitch of 11deg and 99010kgs of fuel on board
[11:29] - Wind Heading 51 | Wind Speed 4kts | Temperature 19 deg C
[11:29] - Climbing to TOC
[11:29] - Gear up at 1004AGL
[11:30] - Flaps to position 2 at 3638ft and 215kts
[11:30] - Flaps to position 1 at 3698ft and 223kts
[11:30] - Flaps to position 0 at 3825ft and 239kts
[11:47] - TOC reached
[11:47] - Cruise started
[19:11] - TOD reached
[19:11] - Descending to destination
[19:26] - Landing Shortly
[19:26] - Flaps to position 1 at 4852ft and 257kts
[19:27] - Flaps to position 2 at 4396ft and 239kts
[19:29] - Gear down at 1864AGL
[19:29] - Flaps to position 3 at 1854ft and 188kts
[19:29] - Flaps to position 4 at 1844ft and 188kts
[19:29] - Flaps to position 5 at 1722ft and 178kts
[19:29] - Flaps to position 6 at 1716ft and 178kts
[19:32] - Landed at 142 kias, at -64fpm. With 20526kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 5deg.
[19:32] - Wind Heading 210 | Wind Speed 9kts | Temperature 17 deg C
[19:32] - Taxiing to Gate
[19:32] - Flaps to position 5
[19:32] - Flaps to position 4
[19:32] - Flaps to position 3
[19:32] - Flaps to position 2
[19:32] - Flaps to position 1
[19:32] - Flaps to position 0
[19:38] - Parking Brake Applied
[19:38] - Arrived safely at YBBN. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[19:39] - PMDG 747-400ER PMDG AZ (N744ER | 2017)
[19:39] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[19:39] - ver

Route Map