Flight TMO0005


  • Submitted By: Roberto Brustia
  • Departure Airport: Forūdgāh-e Mehrābād (OIII)
  • Arrival Airport: Bahrain International Airport (OBBI)
  • Aircraft: A320-214 (EI-IKF)
  • Flight Time: 01.51.03
  • Date Submitted: 05/04/2021
  • Route: N0457F350 ELUSI W13 PEKAM DCT DASDO/N0466F350 G663 ALSER/N0372F140 G663 KOBOK
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(155 load / € 500.00 per unit
€ 77,500.00
Fuel Cost:
(4470.61 fuel used @ 1.1 / unit)
€ 4,917.67
Flight Details


  • Log Data: -
  • Network: -
Additional Log Information:


View Log

[14:19] - Airbus A-320 Alitalia
[14:19] - Flight TMO0005 is ready to depart OIII with a final destination of OBBI.
[14:19] - Parking Brake Applied
[14:19] - Boarding
[14:25] - Flaps to position 1
[14:26] - Flaps to position 2
[14:26] - Parking Brake Released
[14:26] - Taxiing to Runway
[14:29] - Taking Off with 155 passengers on board
[14:29] - Take off at 129kts, with a pitch of 14deg and 6568kgs of fuel on board
[14:29] - Wind Heading 202 | Wind Speed 6kts | Temperature 20 deg C
[14:29] - Stall! 132kts, 23AGL
[14:29] - Stall Recovered! 111kts, 7AGL
[14:29] - Flaps to position 1
[14:30] - AutoPilot Engaged at 69AGL
[14:30] - Climbing to TOC
[14:30] - Gear up at 821AGL
[14:31] - Flaps to position 0 at 6355ft and 251kts
[14:49] - TOC reached
[14:49] - Cruise started
[15:16] - Overspeed! 455kts, 26870AGL
[15:16] - Overspeed corrected at 26883AGL
[15:35] - TOD reached
[15:35] - Descending to destination
[16:00] - Landing Shortly
[16:00] - Flaps to position 1 at 4616ft and 254kts
[16:03] - Flaps to position 2 at 2694ft and 219kts
[16:04] - Gear down at 2116AGL
[16:05] - Flaps to position 3 at 1493ft and 190kts
[16:05] - Flaps to position 4 at 1004ft and 169kts
[16:06] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 830AGL
[16:06] - Landed at 169 kias, at -334fpm. With 2473kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 2deg.
[16:06] - Wind Heading 217 | Wind Speed 7kts | Temperature 33 deg C
[16:07] - Spoilers ON 9ft, hdg 296 and 153kts
[16:07] - Spoilers OFF 9ft, hdg 298 and 36kts
[16:08] - Spoilers ON 9ft, hdg 298 and 34kts
[16:08] - Spoilers OFF 9ft, hdg 298 and 34kts
[16:08] - Taxiing to Gate
[16:09] - Flaps to position 3
[16:09] - Flaps to position 2
[16:09] - Flaps to position 1
[16:09] - Flaps to position 0
[16:09] - Parking Brake Applied
[16:09] - Arrived safely at OBBI. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[16:10] - Airbus A-320 Alitalia
[16:10] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[16:10] - ver


Commenter Comment
Roberto Brustia mi scuso per lo stallo in decollo, mi e' scivolato il joystick dalla scrivania e recuperandolo per la maniglia l'aereo e' andato in stallo fortunatamente a pochi metri dal suolo,non abbiamo neanche abortito il volo e penso che neanche i passeggeri si siano accorti di nulla.
Giulio Cataldo hahahaha Ciao Roberto, è talmente rocambolesca la situazione che non me la sento di invalidare il pirep, :D la prossima volta attacca il joy alla scrivania (io uso il velcro). Buona pasquetta, ciao
Route Map